International Journal of HCI 논문게재: Effects of Feedforward in In-air Remote Pointing

HCI 분야에 대한 학술적이고 과학적인 최신 연구들을 소개하며, 학계와 산업계의 동향을 다루는 세계적인 학술지(SCI, SSCI)인 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction(IJHCI), Vol.32, Issue 2, 2015에 이주환 교수가 참여한 연구논문이 게재되었습니다.

제목: Effects of Feedforward in In-air Remote Pointing
저자: Kwangsu Cho, Ju-Hwan Lee, Byeong-Taek Lee & Eunil Park

Remote pointing devices like the Wii remote have a wide range of applications and are becoming more important for the manipulation of and interactions with information on a distant display such as smart TVs. Because remote pointing devices are used without external support, however, muscular tremors and motional disparity between the display and motor space can result in usability problems of mouse jitters and instability. In this research, we propose a solution to those problems using feedforward technology, where a user is provided with predictive information in multisensory modalities while approaching a target. Also, gender effect on the user experience of remote pointing devices is examined. By conducting two experiments and a survey, it was found that the feedforward signal plays a role of precue, and is more effective than the typical feedback. It was also found that the modality variations in feedforward were impacted by the gender of the user. The findings can be used to improve user interfaces for remote pointing controllers.

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.